A Grr-ific Day – Daniel Tiger at the Dupage Children’s Museum

The Dupage Children’s Museum is one of our favorite places to spend a morning. There is a lot to do that will keep young explorers interested. But, if you have preschool aged kiddos, you’re going to want to plan a trip to the Children’s Museum soon because Daniel Tiger’s world has moved into the top floor of the Museum.


The exhibit itself isn’t huge but it really is the perfect size for the preschool scene.

I love seeing just how much work was done to link the show directly to the exhibit. Each little section can be linked right to one of the episodes. (You’ll see the songs that are used in the episodes throughout each section. And parents, be sure to use those to your advantage when your kiddo starts forgetting what they need to be doing.)


Fans of the show will recognize the characters throughout the exhibit.


And there are many opportunities for dramatic play and chances for kids to really dive into their favorite episodes.



One of the best parts of this exhibit coming to town is that there is an opportunity for a meet-n-greet with Daniel! My girls were both very excited to meet Daniel. However, you might need to prepare your preschooler with the knowledge that Daniel is huge!


If you think that your kiddo would be interested in a meet-n-greet with Daniel, you will need to register in advance. There is not an extra fee for the meet-n-greet but there are only select times/days that Daniel is at the museum. I purchased my museum tickets and reserved our meet-n-greet date online. It’s super easy and then you don’t have to worry about missing out on the meet-n-greet.

Be aware, parking can be tricky at the museum. The last time we went, the lot was absolutely full! Thankfully, there is street parking available in the near vicinity. Pick up a parking map outside of the museum to find out where you’ll find paid parking and/or street parking.

Daniel Tiger is only at the Dupage Children’s Museum for a few more weeks so check out the dates and sign up for your meet-n-greet!

Ugga mugga!


Make Your Own Spring

Spring has arrived! But, we live in the Midwest which means that spring won’t really feel like it’s here for several more weeks. It’s not uncommon for Illinois to get snow in April. This week we may have 70 degree temperatures….and then the forecast has mentioned a chance of snow for the weekend. It’s hard to keep waiting when you are really really ready for sunshine, warmer temperatures, and gardens. I have some suggestions of things that you can do to make your own spring when spring seems so very far away…..

Check out an Indoor Garden!

The spring show at Garfield Park Conservatory is always a great way to gear up for spring sights and smells. This year’s theme “Understory”, has the visitor viewing the plants and flowers that grow beneath the forest canopy. The entire Conservatory has long been a favorite place for our family to escape the cold, rain and/or snow (all of which we might have on the same day in Illinois spring). You can check out the spring show until it closes May 12th.

Start Planning Your Garden!

So many different home improvement stores are full of flowers and plants right now. Lily and I went to Home Depot over the weekend and checked out the many annuals that they have in stock right now. They also had a few perennials. I already have some ideas for my container gardens.

Get outside as often as you can!

When those really nice days arrive, take full advantage of them! Get outside. Go to a playground. The weather can change very quickly so it’s important to take advantage of the sunshine while it’s here. I feel the same way during the summer months. If it’s nice out, we should get outside (for at least some of the day). Save the movie marathons for the rainy days!

Eat Warm Weather Foods!

Sure, I’ll eat ice cream year round. But once the snow has melted, it just seems to taste better. Do you agree? Being able to eat an ice cream cone without my fingers freezing…yea…the ice cream just tastes better. And once the temperatures start to inch above freezing and stay there, that’s when I want one of my favorite warmer weather meals – a Superdawg with everything, onion chips, and a strawberry soda. Yummmmm! Just thinking about it makes me feel a little bit warmer. 🙂


Check out a professional garden!

The Chicago Botanic Garden has a useful chart here that lets you know what will be in bloom and when. Yes, this one is really more for days when it’s a little warmer….and hopefully not snowing. But, this lets you plan for what dates you want  to try to check out their gardens. (Especially if you know you really want to see the tulips in bloom!)

If you were lucky enough to check out the orchid show (which sadly has closed already) you were treated to some absolutely beautiful flowers and arrangements. I loved it! It was like a mini tropical vacation! I mean, just look at these flowers! Beautiful!