The Neverending Task of Organization

One of my project a couple weeks ago was to go through all of big sister’s baby toys and get them ready for little sister to play with them.  I went through the baby toys in the toy room and washed them so they would be ready for tummy time play in the living room.  I wasn’t sure where to put them as we’ve been trying very hard to keep the living room from becoming Toy Room 2.0.  Ryan mentioned the small canvas container that had been in big sister’s room that held some of the more frequently read books.  I knew that that would work perfectly.  All that I would have to do would be to move the books onto her book shelf in her bedroom.

Now, these are not her only books.  Big sister has books in the toy room and in the living room but most of her books are in her bedroom.  You can quickly take a look at the book shelf and see that this is a kid who loves books.  And that makes me very proud.

Books. Books. Books.

Books. Books. Books.


The next organization task is to pack up my maternity clothes and go through all of my other clothes.  I’ve made a large pile of clothes to get rid of and am in the process of finding places for the rest of my clothes to go.

Summer Update

A little while ago, I posted my list of things that I wanted/needed to accomplish this summer.  Well, we’ve been busy.  So, here’s my updated list…..

  • Work ahead on grad school stuff.  UPDATE.  I just submitted my final assignment for this course.  So, now I’m done with grad school….for the summer.  Before class started, I was really worried about how I was going to get course work done while taking care of a toddler and a newborn and myself.  Thankfully, I’ve got a great husband and great parents and parents-in-law who helped out with the kiddos so that I could get school work done.
  • Do some garden planning.  UPDATE. My awesome in-laws came down and helped to remove a shrub, destroy a garden that had been located in a silly location, and move my precious peonies.  All of the rain that we’ve had recently has helped the peonies to adjust to their new location.
  • Craft projects.  UPDATE.  I’ve started the craft projects for the girls.  But, I still need to purchase the larger materials in order to complete them. 
  • Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. UPDATE.  I took a nap yesterday!!!!!!!!  Awesome!!!!!!!  Although I thought that I had been taking it easy, I was not taking it easy enough as I may or may not have had a small infection and I had to take antibiotics.  Recovery from a cesarean is no joke.  So, I’ve been trying to take it super-easy.  As Ryan has said to me many times, I have to take care of myself so that I can take care of my girls.
  • And…….the most important thing that we’ll be doing this summer is soaking up as much family time as we possibly can.  UPDATE.  We’ve already had lots of family time this summer.  I am so happy that Ryan was able to take so much time off from work so that he could help me and hang out with his two little girls.  He’s taken big sister to the park many, many times.  He and big sister have worked in the garden together.  We’ve all gone to the zoo and to the pool.  Tomorrow, we are planning on going to a summer festival.  Hopefully, there are plenty of family adventures for us during the rest of the summer.

How is your summer progressing so far?