Baking My Way Through Baked – The Seventh Recipe

At work, every Friday, someone is in charge of bringing in breakfast for the entire staff.  This past Friday was my Friday.  I decided to do some baking.

I love breads.  And I love lemon loaves for breakfast.  So, I thought that the Lemon Lemon Loaf in Baked would be a great next recipe for me to conquer.

All in all, as long as you don’t have an issue with the food processor leaking all over the table, this is a pretty easy recipe.  The recipe asks you to throw almost all of the wet ingredients into the food processor.  This would be fine if my food processor was about ten times larger than it is.  But since I have a standard home kitchen food processor and not a fancy-giant-professional kitchen food processor, there was a bit of a problem with leaking.

Also, as has been a problem with most of the recipes so far, the baking time was way off.  I’m beginning to think that there is something seriously wrong with our oven.  Perhaps I need to buy a separate thermometer to go inside the oven.  I had to bake the loaves for almost ten minutes longer than was called for.

With all of that said, these looked really good.  Even before I added the sugar/lemon juice combo, these looked really good.

Just out of the oven

Then, I turned the loaves upside down and attacked them with toothpicks.  I then brushed the breads with a lemon juice/sugar combo.  Since I had attacked them with toothpicks, the syrup soaked right in.

Mmmmmmm.....syrup soaking

Once the loaves had been glazed, I became quite excited.  They looked absolutely delicious.

Yum. Yum. Yum.

The outcome?  They were really refreshing and fresh tasting.  You could really taste the fresh lemon.   Plus, I added a lot more lemon juice to the glaze than was in the actual recipe.

These were a big hit during the office breakfast.  Two coworkers asked me for the recipe so I’m thinking that everyone liked them.