Baking My Way Through Baked – The Eighth Recipe

In addition to making the Lemon Lemon Loaf for breakfast, I decided to make some muffins as well.  I love blueberry muffins and we have a lot (!!!!) of frozen blueberries in the freezer that need to be used in something.  It worked out nicely then that Baked has a recipe for muffins that has blueberries as an ingredient.  So, Orange Almond Blueberry Muffins were my eighth recipe as I bake my way through Baked.

They seemed pretty complicated when I read the recipe.  However, they actually didn’t take that much time.  With that said, I don’t really like getting out extra pieces of equipment for just one step.  Using the food processor to grind the almonds?  It did make a nice almond powder and it did make the entire kitchen smell like almonds but for the actual amount of almond powder in the recipe, I’m just not sure that it was worth it.

The almonds were the biggest taste in these muffins.  I actually didn’t taste the orange at all and the blueberries were a bit lost.  Next time, I might add even more orange and blueberries than called for in the recipe.

I tried to make these look very pretty.

And most of them still looked pretty after baking.

The results?  The texture is a perfect muffin texture.  They were soft but kind of chewy on the top.  Perfect.

These were a big hit.  Not nearly as big a hit as the lemon loaves were, but the bowl of muffins was empty pretty quickly.

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